Are you wearing plastic that is made into polyester? In the making of clothes they shred plastic bottles to make the polyester. If you buy plastic bottles from the Dairy when you throw them away chances are you are wearing the same plastic bottle that you drunk out of.
The recycling is then shredded and then gets shipped off to China. Firstly workers must separate the recycling into baths. The coloured plastics can float so the workers could just drain it. The sticker bath is more dangerous because it can burn you and it is full of highly dangerous chemicals.
The white plastic gets put into a oven and heated up. The spinning screw rotates at about 270 degrees celsius. Then shortly after this process, the melted plastic is pushed through a very small sive, as it merges through to the other side it turned into long but thin strings, because of the thin strings they have to go through another strings process.
The fabric gets combined and teared apart again and then shipped off somewhere to get made into a very rough cloth from a machine. The machine turns it into a smooth cloth and it gets spun and then gets teased out so it can be placed onto a bobbin.
A machine gets thousands of pieces of strings from the bobbins so it can be put made into a big piece of material, so it can be used for making and designing clothes to put on sale in a shopping mall and also for in a market for in the weekend.
Almost everyday our recycling is turned into clothing items we can wear?They were made as one torn up again but what happens when clothing material is wasted?
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